The game's designers certainly have things on their minds that they want to communicate, though. It's an undeniably unusual experience likely to resonate only with a select few. Action that sees players abruptly moving from arcade-like top-down shooter combat to side-scrolling platforming to open-world adventuring.
Characters who tear down the fourth wall, repeatedly referencing the fact that we're playing a game while providing advice on how to play. Dirty trash can robots that have taken the names of old philosophers.
From the outset, it challenges players with unusual concepts and imagery that some might find hard to understand (or swallow): Beautiful, blindfolded android warriors who do battle in nightclub attire.

You know those broadly accessible games that grab hold of audiences with their relatable characters, traditional ideas, and familiar mechanics? Nier: Automata isn't one of them. This action role-playing game covers broad philosophical ideas, but its gameplay won't appeal to everyone. But the bigger questions lying beneath all this have to do with identity and consciousness are the androids - and the machines they fight - living beings? And, if so, what does that mean? Show more Together, the pair explores the ruins of the world, going on quests for the Bunker's commander, other androids, and resistance members on the ground and engaging in acrobatic battles with groups of machines while collecting items and material necessary to improve their weapons and skills. Players assume the role of one of these androids, a calm and cool warrior model named 2B, who fights alongside another model named 9S. The androids are headquartered in an orbiting space station called the Bunker and make trips to the surface to fight the machines and help the local resistance. They use androids - extraordinarily humanlike machines dressed in fancy goth clothing, including velvet dresses and stiletto boots - to do battle with the aliens. Humans have retreated to the moon, but they haven't given up the fight. NIER: AUTOMATA is set thousands of years in the future, where the Earth is an industrial ruin inhabited by alien invaders and their machines.