
Pdc file
Pdc file

pdc file

Becoming a member server of an NT4-based domain is similar to connecting to an Active Directory.


The following smb.conf file shows a sample configuration needed to implement a Windows NT4-based domain member server. This creates the appropriate machine account on the Active Directory and grants permissions to the Samba domain member server to join the domain. The Active Directory server using its required administrator account and password. Since the machine windows1 was automatically found in the corresponding Kerberos realm (the kinit command succeeded), the net command connects to

pdc file

Net ads join -S -U administrator%password To join an Active Directory server (), type the following command as root on the member server: Kinit command, refer to Section 42.6, “Kerberos”. For more information on Kerberos, the /etc/nf file, and the Kinit obtains and caches a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket for client/server authentication. Since Active Directory requires Kerberos tickets, Kinit kinit command is a Kerberos initialization script that references the Active Directory administrator account and Kerberos realm. To create an administrative Kerberos ticket, type the following To create the machine account and join the Windows 2000/2003 Active Directory, Kerberos must first be initialized for the member server wishing to join the Active Directory domain. Configuration of the smb.conf file on the member serverĬonfiguration of Kerberos, including the /etc/nf file, on the member serverĬreation of the machine account on the Active Directory domain serverĪssociation of the member server to the Active Directory domain

Pdc file